atmospheric window

美 [ˌætməsˈferɪk ˈwɪndoʊ]英 [ˌætməsˈferɪk ˈwɪndəʊ]
  • 大气窗口;大气窗
atmospheric windowatmospheric window
  1. Increased cloud also blocks the atmospheric window and returns additional long-wave radiation to the ground .


  2. It is shown that the atmospheric window region ( 730-1200 cm-1 ) ( mainly water vapor continuum ) has a significant contribution to the total cooling near the surface , with 72 % at the level of 1 km ;


  3. Clouds return radiant energy to the surface primarily via the atmospheric window .


  4. The laser wavelength should lie the atmospheric window and minimum attenuation of laser energy .


  5. This paper presents a difference-frequency generation techniques used to produce laser output in the mid-infrared 4 μ m atmospheric window .


  6. 2 ~ 5 μ m in the infrared atmospheric window is very important , work in the band laser in the military and civilian areas are important in many applications .


  7. But , between in the satellite correspondence , the ground short distance correspondence and the short range radar , the non - atmospheric window has the better secrecy .


  8. The 2 μ m wave band laser is in the atmospheric window , the human eye is security , Both very good atmosphere transmission , have good back-scattering , is the ideal laser acoustic radar photo source .


  9. HgCdTe is an important material for infrared electronic detector . HgCdTe-based infrared detector can cover the whole infrared atmospheric window due to its band-gap can vary continuously in the range of 0 1.65 eV .


  10. The polarizer is optimized for applications within each atmospheric window in the THz region . ( 2 ) The influence of the radius and period of the metal wires on the performances of the polarizer is investigated .


  11. Because TEA CO2 laser has the advantages of high single-pulse energy , high peak power , high average power and its wavelength in the atmospheric window , it is promising in the application of optoelectronic countermeasure , laser propulsion and laser weapon broadly .


  12. The result has been compared with the temperature dependence of water vapor continuum absorption coefficient given by Burch . The comparison shows that the continuum absorption of water vapor in the region of 8-13 μ atmospheric window is mainly due to water dimer .


  13. For environment monitoring and surveillance , multi-wavelength from tunable source could meet the atmospheric window condition and pass through the atmosphere under kinds of condition in order to optimize the SNR ( signal-to-noise ratio ) and detect the components in atmosphere with high degree of accuracy .


  14. So spake she , and the horned bull made answer to her again : Take courage , maiden , and dread not the swell of the deep . Increased cloud also blocks the atmospheric window and returns additional long-wave radiation to the ground .


  15. A method of determining the brightness temperature in short-wave IR atmospheric spectral window from satellite measurement


  16. As an important atmospheric attenuation window , the V-band has been shown great potential on both military and civil areas .
